egg quality, growth performance, indigenous birds, Lohmann cockAbstract
This study evaluates the growth performance, body linear parameters and egg quality of Yoruba ecotype chicken and their F1 and F2 crosses using Lohmann brown cocks under a low-input management system. Ten Lohmann brown cocks were mated with thirty indigenous hens to obtain the F1 progenies. Ten Lohmann cocks were also mated back to thirty F1 hens to obtain the F2 progenies. Also, ten indigenous male cocks were mated with 30 indigenous female hens as a basis for comparison. Mating was done at 1:3 in all the groups. Incubation and hatching were naturally done and properly monitored. After hatching, the hens and the chicks were intensively managed for 8 weeks in wooden cages, after which the chicks were transferred to battery cages, where they were raised till maturity. Initial weight at hatching, body weight at 24 weeks, average daily feed intake, body weight at initial egg laying and first egg weight were recorded appropriately, while the body linear parameters (shank length, comb length, keel length, back length, beak length, neck length and drumstick) were measured using standard procedures. Some selected egg quality parameters included egg weight, egg length, egg breadth, shell weight and albumen weight. Weight at hatching, body weight at 24 weeks, average daily feed intake, body weight at initial egg laying and first egg weight were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in F2 birds than in F1 birds, while F1 birds had higher values compared to the indigenous birds. The F2 birds also had significantly (P < 0.05) higher egg weight, egg length, egg breadth, shell weight, shell thickness, albumen height, albumen weight, yolk length and yolk weight than F1 birds. This study showed that the F1 and F2 progenies performed better in growth, body linear parameters and the egg quality parameters compared to the indigenous chicken. It can, therefore, be concluded that crossbreeding of indigenous chicken with Lohmann breed is beneficial for improving their growth performance and egg quality parameters, thereby enhancing their productivity.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Elizabeth Toluwani Akinbola, Olusegun Ojeniyi OJEBIYI, Babatunde Oluwaseun OLUGBADE, Oluwatosin Lekan OLAWALE, Shola Rasheed AMAO

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