corn cobs, cost-benefit, digestibility, growth response, Zymomonas mobilisAbstract
The fibrous nature of ground corn cobs limited their utilization in poultry production. Zymomonas mobilis derivable from fresh palm sap is proposed to ferment corn cobs to improve their nutritive values. An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of ground corn cobs inoculated with Zymomonas mobilis (CCZ) on growth response, apparent nutrient digestibility and ileal digesta viscosity of broiler chickens. Five diets containing treated and untreated corn cobs were formulated to replace wheat offal at 0, 50 and 100 % levels on weight for weight basis. A total of three hundred and seventy-five 1-day-old unsexed Marshall broiler chickens were randomly allotted to the five dietary treatments in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Results showed that the biodegradation of corn cobs resulted in improved (p < 0.05) nutrient composition, crude protein increased by 63.90 % while the crude fibre decreased by 137.89 % after fermentation with Zymomonas mobilis. The broiler chickens fed 100 % CCZ had the lowest (p < 0.05) values for feed conversion ratio (FCR) at both phases. The 50 % CCZ improved (p < 0.05) crude fibre digestibility (CFD) at the finisher phase. However, 50 % and 100 % CCZ reduced (p < 0.05) the ileal digesta viscosity of the broiler chickens. The birds fed 100 % CCZ had the highest (p < 0.05) values of rate of return on investment, economic efficiency and relative cost-benefit. The study concluded that wheat offal could be replaced with 50 % and 100 % CCZ in the ration of broiler chickens with positive economic returns.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Adelaja Augustine ALADE, Adeyemi Mustapha BAMGBOSE, Silifat Adewunmi OLANLOYE, Abimbola Oladele OSO, Oyegunle Emmanuel OKE, Adeboye Olusesan FAFIOLU, Richard Abayomi SOBAYO, Babatunde Adewale ADEWUMI, Nnamdi Mbanefo ANIGBOGU, Oluseyi Oluwajubelo OLUWATOSIN

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