
  • Olusegun Atteh Kwara state University



dietary fibre, pigs, performance, reproduction, blood parameters


Dietary fibre (DF) is an indigestible carbohydrate in the form of a non-starch polysaccharide that is a major problem in the use of inexpensive agro-wastes by pigs such as brewer's dry grains, cassava peel, palm kernel cake, rice bran, sorghum spent grain and wheat offal. The DF in a pig's diet can be classified by its solubility as soluble dietary fibre and insoluble dietary fibre, and chemically − as neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre. High DF levels reduced nutrient utilization, growth rate, in terms of pork production and reproductive performance. Pigs' reproductive cycles at different stages and lactation were both greatly impacted by increased DF intake. High DF decreased the number of stillborn piglets at birth and the farrowing duration by sow, while improving colostrum intake in piglets and colostrum yield in sows.

On the other hand, reducing the quantity of DF's hemicellulose in a sow's lactation diet can improve the low-birth-weight piglets' health, post-weaning performance and milk composition. While exogenous enzymes and the extrusion of fibrous feedstuffs enhanced nutrient digestibility and utilisation, other processing methods, including fermentation and extrusion, decreased the DF components and had a beneficial impact on the performance of the pigs. Agro-industrial residues have enormous potential to improve reproductive efficiency and serving as an economically viable DF feeding strategy in the pig industry.


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