Notification of the death of MVDr. Peter Grafenau, CSc. (1944-2024)


  • Juraj Pivko
  • Peter Grafenau


letter to editor


On May 19, 2024, MVDr. Peter Grafenau, CSc. died in Nitra, at the age of 79 after a short, serious illness. He was born on October 24, 1944, in Bratislava. After basic school graduation in Malacky, he graduated from the Veterinary Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University in Košice. He started his professional career in 1968 as a district´ veterinarian doctor for the Sládečkovce district. From 1977 he held the position of head of the district veterinary hospital in Šindolka and later, until 1985, as a specialist-veterinarian for cattle at the district veterinary administration in Nitra. He constantly improved his expertise by obtaining attestations of degrees I. and II.

He began his scientific career in 1985 as an independent researcher at the Institute of reproduction and embryology of the VÚŽV Nitra, where he began to use surgical procedures when studying the transfer of animal embryos, which he later replaced with original non-surgical methods of embryo recovery and transfer. In 1988, he finished graduate study by defending his candidate's (CSc) dissertation. During this period, he also intensively devoted himself to the study of biotechnological methods of assisted reproduction of farm animals, which he successfully introduced into breeding practice. To achieve the best possible results, he changed many workplaces in the former Czechoslovakia and abroad, when in 1986 and 1992 he took up study stays in Germany (Neustadt a.d. Aisch). Here his scientific career peaked, when he achieved excellent results in the study of animal embryo transfer. In that period, he became a member of the RVHP International Collective for Reproduction and Embryo Transfer and intensively collaborated on the implementation of its planned projects until 1992 with important foreign scientific institutions. In the years 1995-2004, in accordance with EU Council Regulation no. 89/556/EEC, he was the leader of the team of the Embryo Transfer Department at VÚŽV in Nitra, managed under the registration number ETTSR 01.

His publication activity was mainly focused on the original results in the field of biotechnology of assisted reproduction of farm animals. He published 72 original scientific papers and 46 professional articles in domestic and international scientific periodicals, which he published with a team of collaborators. He was the co-author of 4 book publications, 32 research reports and 4 inventions. His scientific works were highly evaluated by scientists in the field of reproduction biotechnology and received a wide response abroad. As an expert advisor, he collaborated on the creation of 8 scientific short films in the field of embryo transfer and animal reproduction, which were awarded several times at domestic and foreign film festivals.

He was a member of the scientific council for the breeding of cattle and pigs at the VÚŽV in Nitra and a member of the section for genetics, breeding and reproduction of farm animals. In 1988, he held the position of secretary of the commission for reproduction at the Central State Veterinary Institute (USVU) in Prague and Bratislava. He was a member of the committee for animal protection at the VÚŽV in Nitra and a member of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Slovakia. He participated in the founding of the Rotary Club in Nitra. In 1996, he was the co-founder of Minitüb Slovakia, spol. s.r.o., where he worked for 12 years as a company manager. Today, Minitüb Slovakia is the world leader in plastic production for the field of animal assisted reproduction.

As an expert in his profession, he left a deep mark. He made a significant contribution to the development of scientific knowledge. High expertise and approach to solving problems, willingness and dedication best express his relationship with the Research Institute of Animal Production in Nitra and his collaborators.

With his rich knowledge and unique, tenacious approach to fulfilling scientific tasks, he achieved excellent results. All colleagues of the Institute highly respected him for his professional expertise, humanity and selfless willingness to help.

We often remember him because he was not only an example for us in work and personal life, but also a good friend.

Honor to his memory.



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