pig, backfat thickness, muscle thickness, lean meat content, classification, SEUROPAbstract
Production of fattening pigs changed over the years in the Slovak Republic. While the number of small breeders is continuously decreasing, number of large farms is increasing. These changes are closely connected with the change of animal genotypes and management of breeding. Finally, distribution of carcasses is changed and different pig carcasses are delivered to slaughterhouses. The study was performed using data from six major slaughterhouses in Slovakia to analyse the structure of fattener's suppliers and to compare the characteristics of carcasses from these suppliers. Results showed differences in carcass characteristics between small and large suppliers. While the small suppliers were delivering heavier animals, large suppliers were delivering carcasses with lower backfat thickness and higher lean meat content. Moreover, the trend of increasing live weight was observed in the group of small suppliers. On the other hand, the trend of increasing muscle thickness and lean meat content was observed in the group of large producers.
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