
  • Marcos Busanello College or Agriculture "Luiz de Queiroz"/University of São Paulo - (ESALQ/USP)



feed-first, forced cow traffic design, guided cow traffic design, milk-first, robots in agriculture


This study describes the most common traffic systems in barns for lactating dairy cows milked in automatic milking systems (AMS). It outlines seven cow traffic designs, each featuring a basic floor plan, taking into account one robot or AMS per barn and considering a maximum system capacity (> 60 cows/AMS). The study describes the advantages and disadvantages of free, milk-first and feed-first traffic and the differences between forced and guided cow traffic designs. Some research data are also shown to emphasize the theoretical concepts included in this document. The main difference is that free cow traffic tends to milk a lesser number of cows than milk-first and feed-first cow traffic designs but warrants more freedom for the cows. However, free cow traffic design increases the number of refusals (cows visiting the AMS without milking permission), leading to system inefficiency. Guided traffic designs emerge as the most efficient, milking more cows throughout the day while reducing the need to fetch cows and overall labour. When operating at full cow capacity, guided cow traffic designs are recommended.


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