bee immunity, probiotics, antagonism, Lactobacillus kunkeei, prophylaxisAbstract
This review describes the system of the biocontrol of diseases using microorganisms with specific regard to potential use in beekeeping. Diseases are caused mainly by microorganisms. The gut microbiota has a special important role in animal health. A hypothesis assumes that the use of other microorganisms can provide effective protection against diseases. In our review we focused on probiotics as a supplementary agent in animal nutrition with positive results on intestinal microbiota. The four main mechanisms on how they work are: direct antagonism, competition for nutrients/energy, occupation of susceptible receptors and stimulation of immunity. The probiotics group includes various bacteria, yeasts, filamentous fungi or bacteriophages. The best known representatives are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The use of probiotics in nutrition of poultry, cattle, pigs, lambs, aquatic animals as well as bees was tested. The lactic acid bacteria specific for honey bee, with the main representative Lactobacillus kunkeei, have confirmed strong antimicrobial activity against pathogens, e.g. Paenibacillus larvae, causative agent of American Foulbrood. However, these bacteria were not effective in field studies. Successful use of probiotics in beekeeping depends on various factors, including high level of pesticides or contaminants in bee surrounding, which could negatively influence bee microbiota.
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